Friday, March 7, 2008

India: Part 2 Preparation and first day of travel

There was three days of specific preparation for travel, weather, food and the other things had to be taken into consideration. I had packed enough basic “American” food to keep me going if the Indian food was not tolerable.

First day out:
At the Omaha airport at 5AM checked in and took flight to Houston TX, Continental airlines roundabout way for to get me to Newark airport NY.

Now a storm was growing stronger that was moving east, having about a 3 hour layover in Houston I found out some airlines were canceling their flights to Newark because of this major storm and the forecast of a large amount of snow and strong winds. I just gave it to God and did not think too much about it. In the meantime Ken and Darlene P. asked for God to work a miracle and nothing short of that He did the storm split north and south and went above and below Newark airport area. All the believers airlines flights were not canceled though other flights were because of the server winter forecast that did not develop in Newark. Airports north and south of their were closed. When I landed the ground was only wet - no snow but on the monitors was the reports how surrounding areas were shut down and travel was not recommended.

Next, India land of promise.

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