Monday, September 17, 2007

Book Review: Soulwinning by T.L. Osborn

Soulwinning by T.L Osborn Review

TL and his wife Daisy who is now asleep awaiting the return of Christ have probably witnessed more miracles, healings and seen more people accept Christ then anyone since the first century church. Reading his book
"Healing the Sick" will give you a more complete insight into God's promises of healing then any other book except the Bible. Along with others reviewed or mentioned earlier. (see note 1)

Back to Soulwinning. Because TL has always felt it was his call to be an evangelist he has spent over 60 years reaching the lost and visiting countries where they have never heard of Jesus Christ and seeing the miraculous power of God evidenced in wonderful ways. In his book he not only gives doctrinal, scriptural insight but much needed practical realities in reaching others for Christ, Why we reach out to others with the love of God, how do we do it, our mission and its alignment with Jesus's mission and those that followed Paul, Peter, John and so on.

I have read a few books on this subject over the years such as "the Master Plan of Evangelism" which is more focused on discipleship and has some good useful insights. Quite frankly though T. L.'s book is the best work on this subject of winning others to and for Christ you will read outside of scripture. It will inspire you to reach out for our Lord in a greater way.

Your faith will be stronger.
Your hope will be brighter.
Your love will be deeper.
Your life will be fuller.

Readability: 5 Bibles
Usefulness: 5 Bibles

Note 1: To see my review of Jesus the Healer by E. W. Kenyon.

For other books by these and more authors use this link and then type in your search term. You can limit your search for example to "books" by using the pull down menu their.

I've had some request for "The Best of Life" here is that link

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Trip to India

Blessings to each of you in the name above all name Jesus Christ!

A window of opportunity has opened for me to travel to India in the coming months for ministry and learning it will be during a leadership conference there and two weeks of ministry. If you would like to donate to the cause I will send you the audio and video that others and I take while there for your blessing and encouragement. God's Word is that we take the Word of God to all parts of the earth!

you can donate with paypal here to the ministry supporting the trip. More info coming.

Life Fellowship paypal donation link for India trip.