A couple of basic things have impacted me deeply and in an increasing way.
Man's utter depravity and need for God w/o God we are totally lost. Therefore our need for complete dependence on our Father.
That He has a supply that covers every need, every lack, every shortcoming.
To continually humble oneself, not something others necessarily see as it is not before men.
Its not about you (me).
As He reveals things about yourself, shortcoming, sins and so forth don't run from Him but towards Him. (Jn 3:20, 21)
As he reveals the greatness of who He is in you, give thanks.
To keep seeking our Father at all times.
When God opens a door walk in receiving what He has realizing on my own strength, ability or that I deserved it are in no way related to what He is doing or has done. (on my own I deserved death).
God's supply is often like manna in the Old Testament He supplies what is needed for today. Tomorrows supply will come then.
When He gives insight (words of knowledge) on someones life have a heart to minister in love. Minister as opportunity presents itself to all those in need as the situation arises and presents itself before you. Signs, miracles and wonders are normal for the Christian. The lack of them is not normal.
Every need is an opportunity to see God's handiwork in motion.
Be an encourager
Be a lover of good things
Pray for God's people
Don't judge men like the world does.
Thank you for your prayers and support