To recognize, to search out, and live the life that Jesus Christ came to give us. John 10:10b Jesus said: I have come that they (those the believe on me) may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. 3John 2 Beloved, I desire that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Bible on Healing now available
For current release;
The Bible on Healing is now available in CD or mp3 format.
This CD has encouraging words from God’s Word on Healing that will lift your believing to help you receive what God promises to you. It is professionally done with uplifting background music. You can listen when you get up, are out and about, or before you go to bed, anytime and be encouraged.
The CD is available by USPS mail or direct download of the mp3.
CD by mail $12
mp3 download $8 direct link emailed with paypal payment to
make sure to put in subject line for the Bible on Healing CD
Friday, November 14, 2008
If God is the creator why does He send us to hell?
Herein is the answer.
Maybe this is the wrong question and so our answer misses the point and we misunderstand God purpose.
First God is love, everything thing He purposes is good. Now we can guess or we can go to what He says.
1John 4:8
He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
He does not change He is always good.
But He also is a God of righteousness so justice is required. That is why He sent His son Jesus Christ.
First if you really love someone you have to give them free will. For controlling someone is not better then having a servant or maybe a robot. In other words you give out love in hope that loves comes back. You don't force others to love you.
So God gave Adam and Eve His Word and one command. Freely eat of all the trees but one.
This would give them the free will to obey and would show trust and love for God their Father. God knew if they disobeyed that it would bring hurt and damage to themselves and their relationship (sin). If they could not have obeyed by free will then they would be not much different then robots forced to do what is right but God said they had a choice.
They chose to disobey by free will disavowing God's love and care for them. They did not trust God's integrity fully or return the love He showed to them in the end.
Now God could have left us up for wrath (not hell, as hell is Biblically the grave, gravedom, the state of the dead) as you put it. Would it be love to leave us to wrath or hell?
I think we agree here NO it would not.
So he makes a way back to Him that also involves free will. This plan involved Jesus Christ His son the redeemer.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Yes God hates sin but He loves the sinner.
These two verse explain that.
Rom 5:8 But Commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Ephesians 2:4
But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),
So God's perfect love plan gives us now the free will to come back to HIm and in His love.
This plan of sending His son Jesus Christ and him fulfilling it (by free will) is so we can be restored to Him as Adam and Eve were in the beginning before they disobeyed (distrusted God, did not return His love)
People don't go to wrath or hell because God does not love them, they go because they reject His love plan to redeem and restore us to Himself.
So if i say I don't like His plan really I'm making my own God and making myself my own God.
If we had been the ones in the garden of Eden we would have done the same, I think you would have to agree if you think this through.
So God is not sending us to wrath or hell. He sent us His son to give us life. But if we also choose to disavow, distrust His love to us. Then we are doing the same thing Adam and Eve did.
We distrust His love and integrity for us by rejecting the free gift of the life His son came to give us.
This should help make this so clear no one misses it. That is His free love offering / gift, if we don't want to. He is offering us the life, liberty, freedom and love we really want not some kind of religious bondage or trip.
He loves us so much he was willing to pay the highest price so we could come back to Him if we really wanted to.
This is real, genuine love.
Maybe this is the wrong question and so our answer misses the point and we misunderstand God purpose.
First God is love, everything thing He purposes is good. Now we can guess or we can go to what He says.
1John 4:8
He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
He does not change He is always good.
But He also is a God of righteousness so justice is required. That is why He sent His son Jesus Christ.
First if you really love someone you have to give them free will. For controlling someone is not better then having a servant or maybe a robot. In other words you give out love in hope that loves comes back. You don't force others to love you.
So God gave Adam and Eve His Word and one command. Freely eat of all the trees but one.
This would give them the free will to obey and would show trust and love for God their Father. God knew if they disobeyed that it would bring hurt and damage to themselves and their relationship (sin). If they could not have obeyed by free will then they would be not much different then robots forced to do what is right but God said they had a choice.
They chose to disobey by free will disavowing God's love and care for them. They did not trust God's integrity fully or return the love He showed to them in the end.
Now God could have left us up for wrath (not hell, as hell is Biblically the grave, gravedom, the state of the dead) as you put it. Would it be love to leave us to wrath or hell?
I think we agree here NO it would not.
So he makes a way back to Him that also involves free will. This plan involved Jesus Christ His son the redeemer.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Yes God hates sin but He loves the sinner.
These two verse explain that.
Rom 5:8 But Commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Ephesians 2:4
But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),
So God's perfect love plan gives us now the free will to come back to HIm and in His love.
This plan of sending His son Jesus Christ and him fulfilling it (by free will) is so we can be restored to Him as Adam and Eve were in the beginning before they disobeyed (distrusted God, did not return His love)
People don't go to wrath or hell because God does not love them, they go because they reject His love plan to redeem and restore us to Himself.
So if i say I don't like His plan really I'm making my own God and making myself my own God.
If we had been the ones in the garden of Eden we would have done the same, I think you would have to agree if you think this through.
So God is not sending us to wrath or hell. He sent us His son to give us life. But if we also choose to disavow, distrust His love to us. Then we are doing the same thing Adam and Eve did.
We distrust His love and integrity for us by rejecting the free gift of the life His son came to give us.
This should help make this so clear no one misses it. That is His free love offering / gift, if we don't want to. He is offering us the life, liberty, freedom and love we really want not some kind of religious bondage or trip.
He loves us so much he was willing to pay the highest price so we could come back to Him if we really wanted to.
This is real, genuine love.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Part 3 India land of promise
Ashish and Yushpal on the rooftop at Carmel Niwas.
Arriving at Newark in the late afternoon for a direct 15 hour flight to Dehli, India. We departed departed near midnight and with the time zone changes arriving late night also in India. We flew so far north we were over Iceland and Greenland (great circle route which actually makes the flight shorter). With the excitement for the trip who could sleep there were two in the group Barney and Raymond who did sleep for part of the trip. We would often get up in the plane and share our vision and expectation for our travel.
One of the surprises to await me in Newark was a couple of people I went to Bible college with about 20 years ago. While in India I met more from my same class year who flew in from other areas. Quite a blessing. So it was Geralyn, Carolina and Pepe her husband, Barney, Doug, Ken, Raymond, and myself on the plane.
Also on the plane was another group on a missionary trip. In reality though we may have done some “missionary work’ we were in reality going to learn how simply and powerfully the believers were living the word in India and see how easy it is if we will only look to God and not a system.
Arriving at Delhi it was somewhat chaos at the airport though large and International it looks like it had been put together by by second world standards, Oh I’m in a second world. There were a number of believers who where waiting for us, they had been waiting some time as we were delayed leaving Newark and at Delhi.
The believers included, Bhupendder, his son Ashish, Yushpal, Peter, Sangat his daughter Pryia (sp?) and Pershawn (sp?) and Sun Jin (sp?) and others.
What a warm and joyful welcome to see the believers. As we visited getting to know our driver and India believers in our particular vehicle. You could clearly sense the excitement they had to have us visit and their deep rooted joy with the Word of God living in their hearts and growing rapidly in India.
One thing I noticed is how the air in Delhi is very thick, probably like Los Angeles. It seems foggy much of the time and I could not see many stars at all, which I so enjoy seeing and thinking of God’s Word written in the heavens.
Now traveling in the middle of the night to where we would stay I noticed road rules are not obeyed, red lights don’t always mean stop (only if needed) and people constantly blow their horns. No attention is paid to driving lanes you might be on a two lane road but it was treated like it had 3 or 4.
In about 45 minutes we arrived at Carmel Niwas in Delhi, Catholic retreat, the housing might remind you of staying at a camp cabin. Very simple but completely adequate. Oh there is no showers here you take a bucket bath pouring water out of a bucket with a cup over your head.
It’s January and the temps in the nights were about 40-50 and highs in the day 65-70 degrees. No heaters to use here but good blankets. It was cooler then usual in January so out came the light jackets and sweaters.
Carmel Niwas was also the place the Ambassadors (Leaders) meetings were going to take place so except for a day of travel to local sites and 4 different fellowships we visited everything was close by.
Ashish and Yushpal stayed at Carmel Niwas with us their fellowship was greatly enjoyed. The simplicity and powerful affect of Word of God in their lives was very apparent. A day later Ashish interviewed Yushpal on the rooftop at Carmel Niwas (see picture at top) about his first year living the Word. God wrought a number of miracles by them in their lives during this time. (I have a video of this I will post so you can share in it. For the moment a picture will have to do.
We all were so looking forwarding to the things God was going to be revealing and teaching us in the next two weeks.
Next our first fellowship Aligar, India
Friday, March 7, 2008
India: Part 2 Preparation and first day of travel
There was three days of specific preparation for travel, weather, food and the other things had to be taken into consideration. I had packed enough basic “American” food to keep me going if the Indian food was not tolerable.
First day out:
At the Omaha airport at 5AM checked in and took flight to Houston TX, Continental airlines roundabout way for to get me to Newark airport NY.
Now a storm was growing stronger that was moving east, having about a 3 hour layover in Houston I found out some airlines were canceling their flights to Newark because of this major storm and the forecast of a large amount of snow and strong winds. I just gave it to God and did not think too much about it. In the meantime Ken and Darlene P. asked for God to work a miracle and nothing short of that He did the storm split north and south and went above and below Newark airport area. All the believers airlines flights were not canceled though other flights were because of the server winter forecast that did not develop in Newark. Airports north and south of their were closed. When I landed the ground was only wet - no snow but on the monitors was the reports how surrounding areas were shut down and travel was not recommended.
Next, India land of promise.
First day out:
At the Omaha airport at 5AM checked in and took flight to Houston TX, Continental airlines roundabout way for to get me to Newark airport NY.
Now a storm was growing stronger that was moving east, having about a 3 hour layover in Houston I found out some airlines were canceling their flights to Newark because of this major storm and the forecast of a large amount of snow and strong winds. I just gave it to God and did not think too much about it. In the meantime Ken and Darlene P. asked for God to work a miracle and nothing short of that He did the storm split north and south and went above and below Newark airport area. All the believers airlines flights were not canceled though other flights were because of the server winter forecast that did not develop in Newark. Airports north and south of their were closed. When I landed the ground was only wet - no snow but on the monitors was the reports how surrounding areas were shut down and travel was not recommended.
Next, India land of promise.
Trip to India: Part 1 The impossibility of the Trip
Most likely as the reader you want to get right into the trip but their is some background that is vitally important to see how God was working in the situation so I could go.
Having been invited late summer 2007 by Ken Petty to go to India opened what was to be one very fulfilling and exciting opportunity but also my biggest challenge of the whole journey. This was at a Weekend in the Word in Denver with Sangat Bains, his wife Beautrice also Bhupender and Ashish also from India. Plus many believers from around the US.
The impossibility there was no way I could foresee how to come up with the time or money. My new business was having growing pains and strains.
Beautrice said to me during the weekend that I must make the decision to go or it would not happen. My clear decision was made to go. Over the next about five months. The impossibly of the trip at times seemed to loom over me. For moments of time it would seem such a heavy burden or mental pressure that two or three times I almost called Ken P. to say I would not be going. In my mind I knew this would take the pressure off. But this would also not let be trust that God would be my provider. So I refused those thoughts cast the worry, the care upon God and stayed at peace about it. In the end my need was fully met by an outside source. The only thing I had to come up with was my personal spending money, which was miniscule to the airfare and housing, vehicle transportation and food costs. Darlene P. gave me some good tips for packing my items it still took about 3 repacks until everything fit as needed in two bag and a carry on.
Little did I know this was only the beginning of doors God would open.
Next Preparation and first day of travel
Having been invited late summer 2007 by Ken Petty to go to India opened what was to be one very fulfilling and exciting opportunity but also my biggest challenge of the whole journey. This was at a Weekend in the Word in Denver with Sangat Bains, his wife Beautrice also Bhupender and Ashish also from India. Plus many believers from around the US.
The impossibility there was no way I could foresee how to come up with the time or money. My new business was having growing pains and strains.
Beautrice said to me during the weekend that I must make the decision to go or it would not happen. My clear decision was made to go. Over the next about five months. The impossibly of the trip at times seemed to loom over me. For moments of time it would seem such a heavy burden or mental pressure that two or three times I almost called Ken P. to say I would not be going. In my mind I knew this would take the pressure off. But this would also not let be trust that God would be my provider. So I refused those thoughts cast the worry, the care upon God and stayed at peace about it. In the end my need was fully met by an outside source. The only thing I had to come up with was my personal spending money, which was miniscule to the airfare and housing, vehicle transportation and food costs. Darlene P. gave me some good tips for packing my items it still took about 3 repacks until everything fit as needed in two bag and a carry on.
Little did I know this was only the beginning of doors God would open.
Next Preparation and first day of travel
Friday, February 1, 2008
Believers sleep with Tigers
On my recent visit to India this account is shared by Sangat Bains. This is funny after the fact.
In this short video we learn how that believers from America were visiting in India and sleeping on the rooftop. But the Indian believers stayed inside, Why? They were praying for those sleeping on the roof because Tigers prowl around! Watch the video it will give you a heartfelt merry laugh.
In this short video we learn how that believers from America were visiting in India and sleeping on the rooftop. But the Indian believers stayed inside, Why? They were praying for those sleeping on the roof because Tigers prowl around! Watch the video it will give you a heartfelt merry laugh.
Friday, January 11, 2008
What about Joy?
Do have joy or do you find you are lacking it?
Are you being burdened down with the things of this world and find you do not have any joy?
By the way what is biblical joy?
Unlike a fleeting moment of happiness or laughter; unlike the pleasure of a beautiful sight, unlike the sound of cherished music; unlike a close gathering of friends or loved ones, true joy is manifested in our lives because of our relationship with God. Now don't get me wrong those others things can add to our joy when our relationship is tight with our Father.
In Luke 15 we read a parable of a herdsman who lost one sheep out of his flock, he leaves the other sheep and when he finds the missing lamb he returns with great joy because the one that was lost, he has back to his sheepfold, his care.
We also read of a woman who lost one of the 10 pieces of silver given in marriage. She goes though all the house searching diligently even at night with a light and when she finds it her joy is so great she calls her friends and neighbors together sharing with them the good news *(see note 1).
A woman in labor experiences sorrow, then experiences joy when she sees the baby and holds it in her arms.
When you have true joy you want to share it with everyone. When a person becomes born again they normally have so much joy they tell everyone about it. John 16:21
Nehemiah 8:10 (Bible quotes from NKJV)
Then he said to them, "Go your way, eat the fat (good food), drink the sweet (good drink), and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared (giving to others in need); for this day is holy to our LORD. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."
For us to have true joy we need to realize the joy of the LORD is our true strength.
Believing our Fathers promises to us results in joy.
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Rom. 15:13
Being part of Gods kingdom we experience joy as we live in the spirit and not in the flesh.
for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Rom. 14:17
Genuine Joy is not about being happy, because when we are down and thing are tough we would lose it. We can experience true joy whether times are good or bad.
Read what Paul said about his joy in tough situations and times.
Great is my boldness of speech toward you, great is my boasting on your behalf. I am filled with comfort. I am exceedingly joyful in all our tribulation . 2 Cor. 7:4
In all his tribulation (the pressures of life in this world) that is: hardships, trials, temptations, life's challenges in general, Paul writes he has abounding joy.
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. Jam. 1:2-4
This joy is twofold in nature. It is the joy of self-surrender to God. True joy can only begin when one's self has been surrendered to God.
How much Joy should we have?
And these things we write to you that your joy may be full. 1 Jn. 1:4
God's desire for us is for our joy to be full!
As long as we live for this world and it's decaying treasures and not God's eternal rewards our joy will be lacking. (lay not for yourselves treasure upon earth Mt. 6:19, 20)
Let's consider one more.
“And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you.
Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. Jn 16:23, 24
We should be asking our Father who supplies all our need, whatever our need (not greed) so we can live godly, righteously and soberly in this present evil world then as we know we have received our joy can be full. Phil. 4:19
* note 1: for more information on this biblical custom Read Bishop Pillai's "Light Through an Eastern Window" Marriage Customs chapter 1, or contact me for more information.
Are you being burdened down with the things of this world and find you do not have any joy?
By the way what is biblical joy?
Unlike a fleeting moment of happiness or laughter; unlike the pleasure of a beautiful sight, unlike the sound of cherished music; unlike a close gathering of friends or loved ones, true joy is manifested in our lives because of our relationship with God. Now don't get me wrong those others things can add to our joy when our relationship is tight with our Father.
In Luke 15 we read a parable of a herdsman who lost one sheep out of his flock, he leaves the other sheep and when he finds the missing lamb he returns with great joy because the one that was lost, he has back to his sheepfold, his care.
We also read of a woman who lost one of the 10 pieces of silver given in marriage. She goes though all the house searching diligently even at night with a light and when she finds it her joy is so great she calls her friends and neighbors together sharing with them the good news *(see note 1).
A woman in labor experiences sorrow, then experiences joy when she sees the baby and holds it in her arms.
When you have true joy you want to share it with everyone. When a person becomes born again they normally have so much joy they tell everyone about it. John 16:21
Nehemiah 8:10 (Bible quotes from NKJV)
Then he said to them, "Go your way, eat the fat (good food), drink the sweet (good drink), and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared (giving to others in need); for this day is holy to our LORD. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."
For us to have true joy we need to realize the joy of the LORD is our true strength.
Believing our Fathers promises to us results in joy.
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Rom. 15:13
Being part of Gods kingdom we experience joy as we live in the spirit and not in the flesh.
for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Rom. 14:17
Genuine Joy is not about being happy, because when we are down and thing are tough we would lose it. We can experience true joy whether times are good or bad.
Read what Paul said about his joy in tough situations and times.
Great is my boldness of speech toward you, great is my boasting on your behalf. I am filled with comfort. I am exceedingly joyful in all our tribulation . 2 Cor. 7:4
In all his tribulation (the pressures of life in this world) that is: hardships, trials, temptations, life's challenges in general, Paul writes he has abounding joy.
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. Jam. 1:2-4
This joy is twofold in nature. It is the joy of self-surrender to God. True joy can only begin when one's self has been surrendered to God.
How much Joy should we have?
And these things we write to you that your joy may be full. 1 Jn. 1:4
God's desire for us is for our joy to be full!
As long as we live for this world and it's decaying treasures and not God's eternal rewards our joy will be lacking. (lay not for yourselves treasure upon earth Mt. 6:19, 20)
Let's consider one more.
“And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you.
Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. Jn 16:23, 24
We should be asking our Father who supplies all our need, whatever our need (not greed) so we can live godly, righteously and soberly in this present evil world then as we know we have received our joy can be full. Phil. 4:19
* note 1: for more information on this biblical custom Read Bishop Pillai's "Light Through an Eastern Window" Marriage Customs chapter 1, or contact me for more information.
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