Saturday, December 29, 2007

Trust in what God has done for you.

We trust in things like the sun, electricity, our TV, the air we breathe.
These are things we use or benefit from, but we may not understand how they work.

In the same way you must believe the Good News that Jesus Christ took your place, bore your sins and suffered the penalty of your guilt on that cross. As he was dying he said "It is finished' this means his work was complete, your debt was paid in full. Now your debt cannot be paid twice. Your penalty cannot be suffered twice. Jesus did it in your name, on your behalf, for you and now your salvation is complete. You are not guilty any longer for the moment you believe the good news of what he did for you (Acts 16:31; Rom. 4:24; 10:9, 10; ) You have been forever freed from the eternal penalty of sin and separation for God. So when you believe the gospel this means you trust that what Jesus did for you in his substitutionary death.

The Real issue:

Do you believe the gospel message? Do you believe what Jesus did for you? How can you prove your belief? In one simple word "Trust", Trust Him.

Trust in the finished work of Christ for your spirit. Trust what he did for you, what else are you going to trust?

Trust that he suffered enough for you and all the sins you have ever committed. Jesus paid the full and supreme price. No more needs to be paid or could be.

Trust that he did enough for you.

Trust that he was perfect, his blood was sinless.

Trust that he was innocent and could take your place, being your substitute.

Trust that his blood was enough to wash away every sin of yours.

Trust that nothing else needs to be done.

No further price needs to be paid. No further penalty needs to be suffered. No good works or offerings, or merits, or sacrifices or penance needs to be added to what Christ did to redeem you.

Trust that he did enough, rest your belief forever on the foundation of what the Bible says Jesus did for you. Once you have heard the good news, once you recognize your sin and repented of it confessing and trusting on your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Then never again do any effort or sacrifice or pay any price or take any step to be saved. Trust in Jesus Christ, Trust he did enough at the cross. Trust in his complete sacrifice. Trust that he suffered enough to redeem you to God. Trust his payment was enough.

Your offerings and good works will never improve your state of salvation, or position in God's sight. Trust in God's love to reach out to you and His power to save and redeem you. Nothing you can think or say or do now or at anytime in the future can ever add to what he did on the cross for you. This is the wonderful good news. Jesus paid enough, Jesus suffered enough. You never need to do anything more only believe on the finished work of Christ. Now you are a new creation in Christ you have been made alive in him. You cannot add or take away from what God has done it is complete.